The BBC Antiques Roadshow filmed in Scarborough in 2012.
Members of our Society acted as Stewards to help with bringing the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow to screens around the world in 2012. The show was filmed at Scarborough Borough Council’s newly refurbished Victorian Spa on Scarborough’s sea front headed by presenter Fiona Bruce. The antiques experts included Eric Knowles, Geoffrey Munn, Judith Miller, Elaine Binning and Paul Viney pictured below with our members, who are wearing their Antiques Roadshow’s easily recognizable Steward’s badges and lilac sashes. A wonderful day was had by all, especially the thousands of Antiques Roadshow devotees, who brought along their treasured antiques to be valued by the extremely helpful and approachable experts.
The BBC Antiques Roadshow wrote to Scarborough Borough Council “The wonderful volunteer Stewards you selected and who gave up two days of their very precious time to work with us were amazing. They were one of the very best groups of Stewards we have encountered, and in 35 series that is an accolade indeed. As I said at the briefing, the volunteers will go down in history and always remain part of the Antiques Roadshow family. Caroline and myself were particularly grateful that they all remained until 7.00 pm even though they had the option to go earlier. Without them we would have looked very lacking in visitors in the late afternoon. I think they will see themselves a great deal when the programme is transmitted! So a heart felt thanks to them all for their professionalism, generosity and tenacity under fire.”