Our visit to Wentworth Woodhouse
26 April 2017
Forty one of our members enjoyed a great trip to Wentworth Woodhouse one of the finest Georgian houses in England, ‘Grade 1’ listed it ranks as one of Britain’s largest and most important country houses. The estate has recently been acquired by the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust who are applying for and obtaining grants to make essential repairs to the building and to restore the gardens to their former glory. After a comfortable coach journey we enjoyed a very nice lunch at Le Bistro restaurant in the picturesque village of Wentworth (recommended by the staff at Wentworth estate.) Suitably sustained we were met at the grand house by our guides for the Strafford Tour seeing 15 of the most important rooms in the building. The guides were very knowledgeable, passionate about Wentworth and enthusiastic about the plans for the future. They told us the house is often used by film crews making period drama programmes, which we will look out for from now on. On our return journey our members said they had had a great day and expressed a wish to visit again in a few years time to see what progress has been made with the restoration.

Christine Goodall